Named for her Mother, Laura Frances, the youngest of the Medearis girls was known as Frances, but called “Dink” by her close friends, and at the time of her marriage to Phin Horton could walk under his out-stretched arm with a hat on.  To her family she was known as “Mama Dear,” a name given to her by her oldest granddaughter, which was descriptive of her kind and loving devotion to everyone.  She gave up “housekeeping” at her own home to return to the “Horton Home Place” in Old Salem to care for her mother-in-law.  She was active in her church and  community, including Old Salem.  An excellent homemaker, she was especially known at holiday times for her homemade “cheese straws.”  Her leisure time was spent with her family going to horse shows to watch her husband and children compete and with “the girls” playing bridge.

Graduation 1916

Frances & Louise Henley 

Poem by "Mama Dear" about her three oldest grandchildren

"the girls" in 1976

Happy Birthday! November 12, 1984

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